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Sacred Citadel-FLT Free Download PC Game

Written By Unknown on Friday 26 July 2013 | 03:11

Sacred Citadel-FLT The once peaceful land of Ancaria isingravedanger.TheevilAshen empire has enslaved its population and is using theorc-likeGrimmocto wipe out the Seraphim, who swore to protect it. Inordertodefeatthe empire you will have to prove yourself as a warrior byridingterrifying mounts, acquiring earth shattering skills and looting powerful weapons and valuabletreasures.Grabyourfriends and join the resistance!
Languages: English | German | French | Italian | Spanish | Russian
Japanese | Portuguese | Brazil | Polish
Sytem Requrment 
Processor:2GHz Dual Core
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia GeForce 8600
Additional:GPU Memory: 256MB

Post By Media Net

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